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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pan's Whisper

PAN'S WHISPER  by Sue Lawson  (LWH)

Yes, you’d be right in thinking Pan is rebellious, troublesome and damaged. The story opens with Pan arriving at a foster home with her case worker, Gemma, where her foster parents, Rose and Ian, along with their two other foster children, Olivia and Nat, welcome her into their home. Pan however is sure she won’t be here for long and plans to escape at the earliest possible moment.

Pan struggles to fit into a nice loving family with rules, a new school and deal with the loneliness she feels, which she blames her mother and half sister for. She has a lot of issues bottled up inside, some memories she can’t quite remember, but why? Rose gives Pan the opportunity to write to her sister but she refuses at first as she is still angry with her being in this situation… living in Leggoland! As time goes by she does decide to write to her sister, Morgan, and gradually as she is unraveling her thoughts and memories she begins to remember and write more.

Hunter, one of the boys in Pan’s class, befriends her and eventually she opens up to him about her problems. He seems to be the only one to understand. He too has had to deal with family issues and if anyone can help her, Hunter can. Pan is paranoid and only thinking about herself and her issues, however she soon decides she has been selfish and does need help from others. As she opens up, deeper relationships are formed with those around her.

A small book packed with punch. This is a gripping story and is cleverly written by another  Australian writer. The book is divided into three thoughts, with the chapters being narrated by Pan, followed by the letters she has written to Morgan, (each one questioning what has happened in the past), then this is followed by what was really happening at each occasion, (what Morgan was going through and how she had protected Pan throughout her childhood). I started to imagine I knew how this story would end… one of two ways. I was wrong… there was another! The writer sure had my emotions wrapped around her little finger and throughout this compelling story until the end, when in the final chapter I let it all go and just bawled… yep embarrassing I know!

About the author:  Radio announcer, teacher, MCG attendant, nightclub DJ, shop assistant, swimming teacher, babysitter... just a few of Sue Lawson's jobs before she turned a passion for writing into a career. Sue grew up on a farm near Hamilton, Victoria, and after moving all around the state, now lives in Western Victoria, with her husband and children. Sue's books include the popular Diva series, young adult novels; Dare You, After, Finding Darcy and the award winning, Allie McGregor's True Colours, CBC Notable books, Tessa, Ferret Boy and My Gran's Different.

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