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Thursday, October 20, 2011


THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins     (LWH)

Bookcover for 'The Hunger Games'Wow! I read this on my Kindle and have loved every minute of this fabulous book - the first in a trilogy by Suzanne Collins. I loved it so much I read it in 1 day... just couldn't put it down. I was transported into the future with a story that was a cross between the Truman Show, Gladiators, Surviver and a futuristic war movie all rolled into one. But it did have a lot of blood and guts in this book so if you're squeemish or don't like violence then this book isn't for you.
Katniss Everdeen lives in a world, that's harsh and desolate and must hunt to provide for her family, her mum and little sister, which all live in District 12. All twelve of  the districts are ruled by an evil president living in Capitol. Each year  a boy and girl are chosen from their district to compete in 'The Hunger Games', where they must compete in a game show and kill  their opponents to survive and be the final victor standing. The winner will then be able to return to their district as a hero. Sixteen year old Katniss must use her hunting skills to beat the other contestants in the arena..it's a fight to the death. The story grips you from the first page and takes you on a ride of emotions. Will Katniss survive and return to her family? What must she DO to survive being killed by her oponents? A nail biting ending! I can't wait to download the next books in the series.

Bookcover for 'Catching Fire'
The story continues as Katniss and her fellow contestant from District 12, Peeta, return to what they think will be a peaceful future. However, their survival in 'The Hunger Games' has embarrased the Captial and caused rebellion within some of the Districts, so now the Capitol are out for revenge. A cruel twist arises when both Katniss and Peeta are forced back into 'The Hunger Games' to compete again, this time with the victors from the past years. They must convince the world that they are still both in love. Can they survive a second time in the arena? This book was equally as exciting as the first and I read it in a day also. I've already downloaded the next edition. Glad I've got the Kindle to get it instantly... I just can't wait for the conclusion!


Bookcover for 'Mockingjay'
The third book in the trilogy and I haven't been disappointed. Katniss us up against the Capital this time involving not just herself but all the Districts as the rebellion goes on as Katniss must regain her strength and become the 'Mockingjay' they are all pinning their hopes on. Having survived 'The Hunger Games' twice before it is not just a matter of her own survival this time. Can she do it? Who is on her side and who has been betraying her all along?  Another book that I just coudn't put down, I had to keep reading to find out how it ends. So glad they are making it into a movie - I can't wait!

Watch the movie trailer below... can't wait to see the movie - March 2012!

Watch the movie trailer below... can't wait to see the movie - March 2012!

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