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Monday, January 30, 2012


EQUINOX  -  BOOK 2   by Lara Morgan

It's a pity I hadn't read Book 1 first as it would have given me the overview of what was happening, but it didn't take long to get my head around the Sci Fi jargon and characters, so I could be emersed into this trilogy.

It is action packed from the very first chapter. Rosie is a brave teenager living in a futuristic world. After losing her mother and friend in book 1 to a terrible disease, her father is now in hospital with the same disease, along with many others, and this sequel tells of her plan to find a cure and for revenge to bring down the Helios.

Reilly, who is in charge of operations, goes missing,  but before he does he places an implant in her brain to give her the clues to find him if he ever has to flee. The implant however malfunctions and causes Rosie to be in terrible pain and she's only getting distorted messages. As Rosie is once again on the run from the Helios, the implant becomes life threatening, but she must persevere with the help of her friends Pip, Dalton and Cassie to find Reilly and find out what the Helios are building that will effect millions of people.

Along with this fast paced action Rosie has to deal with her feelings between her and Pip, and her new relationship with Dalton. Can Dalton be trusted and will they be able to find a cure for this fatal disease? All will be revealed.

Look forward to book 3.

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